
53068dc43e4b2dd20ab8d77539ff9caa welcome . Political our store depends on the quality and the right price.
avoid buying violins that are mass produced from makers in China or Hong Kong. These badly put violins stay unbalanced and hence give a hard experience playing it. Be specific on height between the strings and fingerboard. Anything under 7 mm is ideal while anything over 1cm ends up horrible. If you are buying a violin for one taking children or toddler violin lessons, get a resized instrument from professionals. Ensure the strings stay in top quality, since they are costly to replace. In addition, a good violin must bear the authenticity certificate countersigned by luthier manufacturer and with legal force, must have the stamp focus luthier manufacturer inside the violin. It must also be handmade, built and painted with materials of long maturation and natural paints.